
Why Is Trust More Important Than Love?

You may think that trust and love are the same thing, or at least intrinsically linked. But, in reality, trust and love are completely different things. While love comes from the heart, trust comes from your brain – the very place where rational and logical decision-making takes place. And in fact, trust is much more important than love because it’s what keeps you together with the people who matter most to you throughout your life, regardless of whether or not they feel the same way about you as you do about them. Trust Makes You Happy According to a study, Trust makes you happy. It’s also healthier for you. In fact, a lack of trust in people is detrimental to your health—you’re less likely to take care of yourself when you feel like other people don’t have your best interests at heart. While it might seem counterintuitive, putting faith in others can actually improve your well-being. In short: building relationships is good for you. And that means that love isn’t as important as ...

10 Ways to Find Peace in Your Everyday Life

Achieving peace in your life can be as simple as letting go of everyday stresses, but many people struggle to find true peace and serenity, no matter how much they try to live in the moment. But with this guide on how to find peace in your everyday life, you’ll learn techniques that will help you achieve inner calm and live mindfully, even when the pressure mounts around you. You’ll also gain valuable insights from other people who have learned how to find peace in their lives and share their experiences with you! Be Grateful for What You Have While we may be tempted to complain about our problems—especially with all of today’s media coverage on war, violence, terrorism, and tragedy—it’s important to remember that we live in one of the most peaceful times in human history.  We can take pride in where we are today by choosing gratitude over complaining and fostering patience over warlike behavior.   Create Time For Yourself Making time for yourself is an essential ing...

7 Facts You Should Know About Mental Health

Depression is a serious illness that causes severe changes in your thinking patterns and physical behaviors. The more you learn about this illness, the more you realize that it is not just a feeling of sadness. It may be possible for you to suspect depressive behavior in a family member if you are familiar with depression's signs and how to deal with it. Reading this article will help you learn more about how to help a loved one who is depressed. Fact #1 One out of four people experiences a mental health problem every year. That's 26% of your family, friends, co-workers and classmates. It's quite likely that at least one person you know has struggled with mental illness—or is still struggling. Fact #2 Mental illness happens to all kinds of people, regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic background. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, anyone can get depressed or anxious. While many people think depression is just being sad, it's much more than...

The Secrets to Motivation and How to Keep Yourself Going

Motivation can be hard to find in your day-to-day life, but it doesn’t have to be so elusive. There are plenty of ways to get inspiration, stay motivated, and keep yourself going when things are tough, and the results can be huge. Here are the secrets to motivation and how to keep yourself going even when everything around you seems difficult and discouraging.   To Inspire Others, Start with Your Own Inner Strength : Inspiration is often thought of as a force outside ourselves. People often look to others who have accomplished great things and say, I want to be like them when I grow up! While that’s certainly an inspiring goal, inspiration can also come from within. When you are your own source of motivation, you set yourself apart from so many others who rely on others for their drive. How do you find it? Here are some tips: Find Your Passion :   It may sound obvious, but finding something you truly love to do is a great place to start. The more passionate you are a...